Grading Scale
Standards-Based Grading
Purpose of Standards-Based Grading
Standards-based grading is designed to communicate how students are performing relative to specific learning standards. This grading system focuses on students' mastery of essential skills and knowledge, providing a clearer picture of what they have learned and where they need additional support.
Performance Levels: Instead of letter grades, students will be assessed using performance levels that indicate their progress toward meeting each standard. The performance levels are:
4 – Exceeds the Standard: The student demonstrates an advanced understanding of the standard and can apply the knowledge or skill in a variety of contexts.
3 – Meets the Standard: The student consistently demonstrates a proficient understanding of the standard and can apply the knowledge or skill independently.
2 – Approaching the Standard: The student shows partial understanding and is approaching proficiency but still needs support and practice to meet the standard.
1 – Beginning to Develop the Standard: The student is beginning to understand but needs considerable support to develop the knowledge or skill.
No Averaging: Grades are not averaged over a period. Instead, the most recent, consistent level of performance is emphasized, reflecting the student's current understanding and skills.