Internet Usage Policy

Staff, students or members who are authorized to use MMSA’s computers and online services will utilize the following guidelines and procedures:
1)    The use of the school’s Internet and computer network must be in support of educational goals, research, and class assignments and be consistent with the educational objectives of the school. The administration reserves the right to monitor any computer activity and online communications for improper use.
2)    The school is aware that there are resources on the Internet, which may be inappropriate or not designed for an educational setting. To protect students from such inappropriate material, the school’s Internet access is filtered with one of the highest-rated Internet filtering systems available. However, users must recognize that it is impossible for the school to restrict access to all controversial material and therefore individuals must be responsible for their own actions in navigating the network.
3)    Students may only log on and use the network under the immediate supervision of a staff member and only with his/her authorized account and are responsible for its proper use at all times.
4)    Do not reveal personal information, such as home address or phone number, or that of other students or colleagues.
5)    Use appropriate language. Do not use profanity, obscenity, or other language which may be offensive to others.
6)    The network should not be used in such a way that it will disrupt the use of the network by others.
7)    Users shall not read other users’ files, nor shall they attempt to read, delete, copy, modify or forge other users’ files.
8)    Use of the computer and/ or network for financial gain or for any commercial activity is prohibited.
9)    Use of the computer and/or network for political purposes is prohibited.
10) Users shall not transmit or view material that is threatening, obscene, disruptive, sexually explicit, or that could be construed as stalking, harassment or disparagement of others based on race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious, or political beliefs.
11) Users shall not use the system to encourage the use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, nor shall they promote unethical practices or any activity prohibited by law or by school’s policy.
12) Vandalism will result in the cancellation of user privileges. Vandalism includes uploading or downloading any inappropriate material, creating computer viruses, hacking, and/or any malicious attempt to harm or destroy equipment, materials or the data of any other user, as well as changing computer settings or damaging the computer mouse.
13) Musical devices, such as CD players and MP3 players, used in conjunction with the system are prohibited unless it is specified by the teacher in conjunction with educational purposes
14) Copyrighted material may not be placed on the system without the author’s permission, and no materials shall be placed on the system without permission of school staff and administration.
15) Users shall report any security problem or misuse of the network to the teacher, deans, or immediate supervisor.
16) Rules and regulations of the Computer/Internet Usage Policy are subject to change by the MMSA administration at any time.
17) Activities not in compliance with Illinois Revised Code are strictly prohibited.
Students are not permitted to have a student email account on the Michigan Math and Science Academy system unless specifically assigned as part of a course or activities curriculum. Should an email account be assigned, students must have a Computer Usage Agreement on file and must strictly follow the agreement guidelines.
Students may access private email accounts (AOL, Yahoo!, etc.) or social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) only with parent permission and/or teacher permission in conjunction with educational purposes.  Electronic mail transmissions and other use of the electronic communications system by students shall not be considered confidential and may be monitored at any time by designated school staff to ensure appropriate use for educational or administrative purposes. Forgery or attempted forgery of electronic mail messages is prohibited. Only the authorized IT Manager may read, delete, copy or modify the electronic mail of other system users.
Students violating any computer agreement guideline will lose all computer privileges and disciplinary action may be taken. Violations will be considered a Level II misbehavior.